
Affiliate Marketing with Springer Nature

Springer Nature is one of the world's leading publishers of research, educational and technical literature. It comprises a number of respected and trusted imprints that offer a wide range of high-quality products and services. As the largest publisher of scientific literature, Springer Nature publishes journals with the highest impact in the scientific community and is regarded as a pioneer in the field of Open Access publications.​

As an international scientific publisher, we offer you five different affiliate programs that differ in their target groups.

For customers of Apress and IT experts, coders and tech communities worldwide and of course commercial providers we recommend the SpringerLink Affiliate Program. Provide your audience with the content   they really want and earn an attractive commission.

Become a partner in our affiliate programs today—promote  Springer Nature products and earn money with every order!

Participating is easy:

  1. Sign up for free: Apply as a publisher to the program that fits to your target group. Register for free in the network of CJ.
  2. Activate your account: We will review your application within 3 working days and accept you into our program. Please make sure to read our terms and conditions carefully in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
  3. Integrate our ads: Choose your favorite format from the provided advertising media. Promote individual products with our product data feed, for instance, or use our appealing brand banners.
  4. Get your commission: For each order placed by clicking on one of our links on your website, you will receive a commission.

The SpringerLink Shop INT Affiliate Program

link.springer.com provides fast and access to the full range of our onlineSpringer Affiliate Program collection in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and business, humanities, and social sciences. This partner program is aimed primarily at researchers, academics, professors and teachers, but also at students, specialists (e.g. IT experts), executives, universities, institutions and commercial providers (such as content providers, bloggers, price comparison sites, voucher sites, display networks, etc.). Here you can find out everything about the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program.

The Nature Affiliate Program

Nature Affiliate ProgramThe program is aimed at researchers, scientists, students, universities, nature authors, bloggers and commercial providers (such as voucher sites, content providers, display networks and many more). Register here for the Nature Affiliate Program.

The Springer Nature Author Affiliate Program

Springer Nature Author Affiliate ProgramThis partner program is exclusively aimed at the authors of the Springer Nature publishing group, whose publications can be ordered online at Springer.com. Information on our Springer Nature Author Partner Program can be found here.